This 21-minute episode is from April 2011.
Len Testa (@LenTesta on Twitter) of I met because he was a friend of my wife’s. She’s not an academic, but instead a Disney nut. I ended up cutting his episode into two because we just had two such great conversations. This was the blurb on the original website.
This episode wrote itself. Len has done lots of interviews (his show has done over 800 episodes), so there was very little dead space. I literally just clipped out a few of the most egregious points where we were talking over one another and ran the dynamic range compressor a couple of times, and I was done.
The echo-ey effect was due to our recording in Len’s big attic office. I did experiment a bit with noise removal, but the distortion was distracting, so I quit playing with it.
We never did manage to get into the sciencey guts of how these evolutionary algorithms work, so here’s a decent overview in editorial format.
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