This short 17-minute episode was originally recorded in 2011, blurbed this way on the original website. There is a short glitch about 2:50, which I never caught in the original version (I was very new at audio editing then), and which I may get around to correcting at some point.
This is the first one recorded on my new toy, a Sony digital voice recorder with an Olympus noise-canceling microphone. I think it sounds much better without the background hum from my laptop, but let me know.
It was a comedy of errors trying to find a spot quiet enough to record. My office has a window air conditioner, and the rain made it ring like a tin roof. I moved into the next room, and the photocopier started its racket. Doors slamming, shoes squeaking, the beating of that hideous heart under the floor... no, wait--never mind. I even tried recording in the Prius while my kid was at aikido class. It was after bedtime at 9pm before I got something workable. Lots or practice on the reading, though, so it sounded fairly smooth. Only a couple of flubs.
This is probably not the same video that Atala showed at NC Academy of Science. It’s still cool, a decade later.
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