Original Website Blurb from 2011
It's been a busy week. My niece and nephew have been visiting. In between being interviewed by the Border Collie Rescue people and replacing light fixtures and watching elephant dissections and disrupting one of the Mandrill's pheremonal feminazi cells at a posh French spa, we found time to record a podcast. I swear to you, as soon as I turned the recorder off, they stopped using words like "colossus" and started laughing and cracking jokes again.
That conversation went on for another half hour (delaying my bedtime even further), and slalomed from birth control to whether humans are still evolving to the relative contributions of biology and culture to whether it's boring to be the big fish in a small pond. Should have just palmed the recorder and left it running.
Anyway, it's great to be back.
Updates from 2021
Both of the Wonder Twins (who are not actually biologically twins, just siblings who get along) have neat and interesting lives, which I will not detail here because they are adults and I didn’t ask their permission. Also it’s time for breakfast.
REFERENCES from the show
Gatton Academy at Western Kentucky University
Gray Fossil Site in Tennessee
ground sloths on Wikipedia
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